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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good foods to help Skin

Foods to help skin /Foods that help skin
The cause of wrinkles are free radicals. Free radicals molecules that can damage collagen, a protein found in skin which keep skin’s elasticity.
What are wrinkle fighting foods?
Foods that are rich in antioxidants can help to fight free radicals and counteract the decrease in collagen.
Tomatoes are excellent for wrinkle protection. A pigment known as lycopene present in tomatoes help to fight free radicals d also prevents cancer.
Red peppers are loaded with vitamin A, Vitamin E and bioflavonoids. Bioflavanoids help to moisturize and heal the skin.
Beets and carrots are also en to prevent wrinkles.
Salmon is rich in Omega 3-Fatty acids and it reduces inflammation and lubricates skin.
Blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries are rich in antioxidants. They are also rich and vitamin C , vitamin E 50 magnum and fiber .The antioxidants fight free radicals which damage the cells and prevent the formation of wrinkles.
Brazil Nuts: Nuts are rich in Vitamin A and B. Vitamin A helps in proper cell development. The healthy fats in nuts help to maintain collagen levels and elasticity of skin.
In particular, Brazil nuts are proven to cure wrinkles and skin infection because of its selenium content. Selenium mineral in Brazil nuts is responsible for production of glutathione, a neutralizer of free radicals.
Omega 3 Fish: Omega 3fatty acids fight inflammation. Eat fish like Mackerel, trout, Herring, Tuna, Salmon to repair broken skin cells. Another nutrient names DMAE found in these fish help to cure wrinkles as well as improve nerve function.
Top 5 foods rich in omega 3-Fatty acids
Omega 3 Fatty acids/100g( 3.5 ounces)
For full list click the lick below
Vegetables: Darlk green leafy vegetables like spinach, aragul;a,collard greens,Kale, mustard greens, romain lettuce are good sources of many vitamins like Vuitamin A,C,K and folate and minerals like Iron and Calcium.
Vitamin A help against drying up of skin, where as Vitamin C provide antioxidants.
Green Tea:
Green tea is a powerhouse of antioxidants and has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects are attributed to its high concentration of catechin compounds. Green can be taken orally as tea or it can be topically applied on skin to help protect the skin from sunburns and UV-associated skin cancers. Research also suggests that drinking one cup of green tea twice a day over the course of six months may actually reverse sun damage and significantly improve any problems you have with redness and broken capillary veins.
Not only is yogurt a natural probiotic, it is good for acne breakouts, eczema, and even dandruff. Just be sure to choose a low-fat and low-sugar yogurt, since sugar can aggravate inflammation.

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